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Maximize Carpet Cleaning Efforts to Reduce Allergens

Studies have shown that allergy symptoms can be controlled without having to completely remove the carpets from your home. Carpets act, in a way, just like air filters, trapping the allergens that are bouncing around in the air you breathe, thereby making the air cleaner. But also like air filters, over time, carpets become full and no longer have the room to trap these allergens. Ensure healthier air in your home by regularly cleaning and vacuuming your home to clear out the trapped allergens.

Carpet Cleaning

Start from the top down – that is, start with the areas where the most dust and allergens accumulate, and work your way down. For those areas that aren’t accessible with a vacuum, use a microfiber dust cloth to capture the dust. Before you begin vacuuming, be sure to check that the bag isn’t full. If it is, replace it before you start, as a full or even semi-full bag will have a negative impact on your vacuum’s suction abilities.

Vacuuming is the best option for removing allergens, since it sucks the dust right out of the area instead of unsettling it or moving it around. Take advantage of your vacuum’s different attachments in order to get dust, pet dander and other allergens out from hard-to-reach spots. Some high-volume areas you’ll want to dust or vacuum over should include bookshelves, table tops, tops of cabinets, picture frames, windowsills, wainscoting and baseboards. We recommend vacuuming draperies on lower suction instead of shaking it out to remove the dust, as doing so will launch the dust particles into the air and instigate an allergic reaction in allergy sufferers. Use the appropriate attachment to vacuum your upholstered furniture, as these can hold onto lots of dust and dust mites. Don’t forget about curtains, bathroom carpets, throw rugs and lampshades.

While a thorough vacuuming will alleviate a lot of the accumulated dust and allergens in your home, the real solution to reducing allergens is consistent, regular vacuuming and carpet cleaning. Dust accumulates at a rate of six milligrams per square meter per day. Pet hair and dander can accumulate at an even faster rate, depending on what pets you have and how many you have in your home.

To keep allergens down in your home, we recommend vacuum cleaning rugs once per week, while focusing on high-traffic areas and bedroom carpets at least twice per week. Don’t forget to vacuum upholstered furniture and drapes at least once per month. If you have pets and live with someone who suffers from allergies, you’d do best with vacuuming your carpets every single day, or at the least, every other day.

Deodorize Your Carpet With Baking Soda and Lemon

Using harsh chemicals with complicated names to strip stains and odors from your carpet is good for neither your home, your family, nor the environment. These chemicals can get into the air and cause damage to your and your family members’ eyes and respiratory systems. Instead, use baking soda to remove carpet odors caused by anything from spilled food to pet odors or years of heavy foot traffic.

DIY Carpet Cleaning

Before deodorizing, be sure to vacuum your carpets thoroughly and completely. We start by vacuuming our carpets so that we can pick up all dirt particles before we begin deodorizing. This way, you start deodorizing with a clean carpet, yielding the freshest results possible. When vacuuming, focus on heavily trafficked areas such as doorway entrances and spots around where people sit. Take advantage of your vacuum’s attachments to clean any hard-to-reach places, such as the space between the carpet and the wall.

Once you’ve vacuumed the carpet and you’re sure it’s clean, let your family know what you’re doing and ask them to kindly not walk on the area you’re treating until you’re done and it’s clean.

Next, sprinkle baking soda very liberally over the affected area. You want to cover the carpet completely. Don’t be cheap! Baking soda is harmless, so more is best. Since baking soda tends to clump up, consider transferring it to a shaker before applying to your carpet; this way, the baking soda will distribute more evenly across the carpet. Remember to use fresh baking soda rather than a box that has been sitting open. The fresher the baking soda, the more smells it will be able to absorb.

Now it’s time to scrub the baking soda into the carpet using a sponge or brush. Make sure it gets deep into the fibers of your carpet and all the way to the bottom. If your carpet is long or shaggy, this is a particularly essential step. Make sure every part of the carpet is coated with baking soda. An old sock or t-shirt also works for rubbing the baking soda deep into your carpet.

Let the baking soda sit for at least 24 hours. The longer you let the baking soda sit on the carpet, the better and fresher your results will be. Don’t walk on the affected area for as long as the baking soda is sitting, as it will get tracked through the house and your end result won’t be as fresh.

Finally, use a dry vacuum cleaner to suck up the baking soda. Be sure to go slowly and apply pressure. Work in small sections, and go over each section several times. The baking soda is going to take time and effort to clean up, but as long as the carpet doesn’t get wet at all, it should get sucked right up with no problems.

Once the carpet is vacuumed, get on your hands and knees to inspect. Any areas that don’t come out as fresh can be spot treated. Create a solution made in a 3:1 ration with warm water and lemon juice. Spray the affected area with a little bit of solution and let dry. Continue this process until the affected area is clean.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Tips: Removing Coffee Stains From Your Carpets

If you’ve got light colored carpets in your home, the absolute last thing you’ll want to happen is a coffee spill. No matter how careful you are about carrying your cup of hot coffee, accidents always happen. Luckily, coffee is a relatively easy stain to clean, especially when compared to things like wine and mud. There are a few different ways of combating this type of stain and preventing it from setting.

Carpet Cleaning: Coffee Stain

The biggest takeaway from this article should be to act quickly. The sooner you begin working on the spill, the better the outcome will be. Waiting to clean, procrastinating or just ignoring it will only cause the stain to set, resulting in a discoloration in your once pristine carpet.

Coffee spills are relatively easy to tackle. One way to handle this type of stain is by utilizing some products that are probably just sitting in your cabinets. To create a DIY coffee stain remover, you will need baking soda, white vinegar, a mild detergent and a spray bottle.

This method is most effective when the stain is still wet. The key to this process is to try and gently absorb as much of the coffee as possible before the spill begins to dry. While the stain is wet, rest a dry sponge or dry paper towel on the affected area. Blot lightly to get the liquid out of the fibers. Remember: blot, don’t rub!

Next, place some detergent on the stain. Try not to rub the detergent into the fabric, as this may only exacerbate the stain. Fill the spray bottle with water and spray the area you were just cleaning before softly patting it dry with paper towels. Now, sprinkle baking soda on the area to absorb any moisture left over. After letting the baking soda sit for a few minutes, use a dry vacuum cleaner to clean it up. If this doesn’t sufficiently remove the coffee stain, treat the area with a solution made from equal parts water and vinegar.

A second way to approach this is to use a commercial stain remover. This is especially effective if the stain is old and has already dried up. When choosing a commercial cleaner, be sure it will work with the specific carpet fibers that your carpet has. There are products on the market that were developed specifically to target coffee stains, as well. Follow the instructions on the bottle, but as a general rule, dampen the affected area before applying the cleaning product.

Carpet Cleaning Tips: How to Make Carpet Look New Again

You might be sick of the way they look, or feel, or smell. Maybe you’re putting your home up for sale, hosting respected guests or cleaning for spring. There’s never a bad reason to want to clean your carpets, and lucky for you, there are several easy steps you can take to make them look new again.

Carpet Cleaning

First, clear out the clutter from the room you’ll be cleaning. Remove all large pieces of furniture from the room; place an ice cube over any area of carpet dented from being underneath your furniture. Let the ice cube melt completely, this will give volume back to the dented parts of your carpet. Once melted, blot these areas dry with a paper towel before running the edge of a spoon against the direction of the dent in order to fluff the carpet.

Next, go over your carpet with a dry vacuum cleaner. This will suck up all the dirt, dust and allergens, readying for your carpet for wet cleaning. When vacuuming, focus on corners, places where the carpet meets the wall, and high-traffic areas such as doorways. If necessary, use one of your vacuum’s attachments to access hard-to-reach spots.

Now, it’s time to wet-clean your carpet. You can do this by using either a carpet shampooer or steam carpet cleaning machine. These machines can be rented or bought at most hardware stores.

Shampooing the carpet will generate a thick foam lather that will break the bonds holding the dirt particles to the carpet fibers. Steam cleaning removes dirt from your carpets by blasting hot water and steam through your carpet’s fibers and subsequently vacuums up the dislodged dirt particles with 95% of the expunged water and steam. Unlike carpet shampooing, steam cleaning will not leave any sticky residue behind, as it relies solely on hot water and steam to do its job.

Once you’re finished wet cleaning the carpet, allow it to dry completely. Open the windows in the room to generate a cross-breeze. Run the ceiling fan and any standup fans to circulate the air and facilitate drying.

Once the carpet is dry, sprinkle a carpet deodorizer over the entire carpet. If you don’t have one at home, baking soda does the trick nicely. Leave this on the carpet for as long as the label specifies, or at least two hours if you’re using baking soda. Once the time is out, run over the carpet again with a dry vacuum cleaner; be sure to suck up all the deodorizer.

Finally, return all furniture to the room and enjoy your fresh, newly cleaned space.

Carpet Cleaning: Removing Coffee and Wine Stains

There is one, single, fundamental rule when dealing with potentially troublesome stains to your carpets: act as quickly as you can. This means not letting the stain sit any longer than it already has.

Step one is to blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Since paper towel is a little more absorbent than cloth towels, we recommend using that for lifting the liquid from your carpets. Never rub the stain, as that will only force it deeper into the fibers. Continue blotting with paper towels until no more liquid is coming from the carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Wine Stains

There are several different approaches to removing such a heavy stain from your carpet. One way to tackle this is to use a gentle dish detergent such as Dawn to get the stain out. Mix together a 1 Tsp of dish soap with a quart of warm water to create a cleaning solution. Put the solution into a spray bottle. Before spraying the affected area, spot test on an inconspicuous part of your carpet to be sure that the soapy solution doesn’t cause discoloration. As you spray the stained area, be sure to blot the liquid with a clean white rag or paper towel. Once the stain is mostly removed, repeat this process with a solution made from two parts white vinegar and one part water. Use the mixture to dampen the affected area, while blotting further with a clean rag or paper towel. Once the stain is completely gone, clean the area again with water. This method will work on both coffee and wine stains.

A second way to removing a red wine or coffee stain is to blot with a dry cloth until the excess liquid is gone, then pour some cold water directly onto the stain. This way, you dilute what’s left of the stain, loosening it up and making it easier to absorb through blotting. Continue blotting with a rag or paper towels until the stain comes out entirely. Finally, you must use baking soda as the final punch to eradicate the stain. You can do this one of two ways. You can either make a paste from a 3:1 radio of water to baking soda, or simply pour baking soda directly on the affected area. Let the dry baking soda or baking soda paste sit for an hour or until the paste is dry. Finally, vacuum over the affected area, vacuuming up all the baking soda.

Even fast action and determination can’t remove every stain completely. For stains that linger before treatment, and for serious and deeply embedded carpet stains, it’s most advisable to call a professional carpet cleaner. Most professional carpet cleaning companies offer services specifically to combat permanent and aggressive carpet stains such as those caused by coffee and wine. Inquire on the types of cleaning compounds and methods employed, as well as the types of training the employees have undergone, before hiring a carpet cleaning professional and inviting him or her into your home.

Still have problems with stubborn wine stains? Contact Sir Clean Pro to help you remove it!

Will Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning Ruin My Carpet?

For those of you who have never hired a professional steam carpet cleaner to steam clean your carpets, it can seem like a risky task at first. You might have reservations about inviting a stranger into your home to deal with your carpets, something so integral to your home. Without fully understanding the process of steam cleaning, it might appear like a bad idea to allow someone to push water and steam into your carpet fibers. For many, it sounds like an open invitation to mold, mildew and mess. Why risk messing up such a vital component of your home? These kinds of assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth.

Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning

The fact of the matter is, hiring a professional steam carpet cleaner will only do good to your carpets. The process of steam cleaning a carpet, when done by a trained professional with hands-on experience, won’t do anything to ruin your carpet. There is an inherent risk involved with hiring any outside party into your home for a purpose, but you have to trust in the professionals if you want a fresh cleaned carpet.

In the past, before carpet cleaning and water extraction techniques became modernized, many carpet cleaning companies would leave carpets too wet, causing water to rise to the surface and attract more dirt, resulting in dirty looking carpets. If this were 100 years ago, you would be right in thinking professional carpet cleaning may ruin your carpets. However, modern, professional carpet cleaning techniques include hot water extraction, which not only lifts dirt from deep in the carpet fibers, but also removes excess water, essentially dehydrating the carpet and leaving it dry, clean and fresh.

If you have your own steam carpet cleaner, you might think you don’t need to hire a professional, that you can handle it on your own. Consumer-grade carpet cleaners lack the powerful suction strength required to extract all the water it will add to your carpet. You see, first the steam cleaner floods your carpet with water to loosen up the dirt, then it suctions up the dirt and excess water to clean thoroughly. The reduced power of consumer-grade machines will not only fail to extract the excess water, but it will also leave more dirt in your carpets than would be there, had you hired a professional. Additionally, some consumer-grade machines will add too much water, dampening the padding underneath. This can lead to mold and mildew growth. In this case, you run the risk of ruining your carpets by not hiring a professional steam carpet cleaner.

Someone might have told you that steam cleaning your carpet will actually shrink your carpet, because you’re washing it with water. This is simply not true. Unless the carpet is left to sit while extremely wet – that is, you attempt to steam clean the carpet without extracting all the water – it will not shrink. A professional steam carpet cleaner, especially one with awesome online reviews such as Sir Clean Pro, would never make such a mistake.

Carpet Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

It’s springtime here in Barrie, ON and your most trusted carpet cleaner Sir Clean Pro has new tips on carpet cleaning for you. Since many pet owners will be taking their pets out more that means one thing – dirty carpets.

Carpet Cleaning for Pet Owners

Pets are responsible for bringing us lots of joy, but they can also be a source of frustration. Pet owners regularly struggle with cleaning after pets and keeping their susceptible home surfaces free of animal hair. No spot in your house takes more of a beating in this regard than your carpets.

Keeping carpets clean should always be an ongoing process, especially in the case of pet owners. This process begins with vacuuming. Vacuuming your carpets is a good start for getting pet hair out, but sometimes the hair becomes intertwined in the fibers, making it difficult to remove. Vacuum cleaners often have appendages and attachments that can be used on different surfaces. We recommend using one of your vacuum’s attachments on your furniture’s upholstery as well, as pet hair can become attached or embedded in the fabric. For hair in the carpet and upholstery that the vacuum cleaner can’t reach, we recommend going over the affected areas with a lint roller or strip of duct tape.

One preventative way of keeping pet hair out of your carpets is by investing in a bed or blanket for your pet to sleep on. This way, your pet can shed a lot of its hair in one easily manageable area. Once you’re ready to clean the bed or blanket, simply take it outside, shake as much of the hair loose as you can and throw it in the washing machine. This method won’t keep your carpets 100% free of pet hair, but it will help alleviate the pressure put on your vacuum cleaner.

Not only do pets shed like crazy, but their presence also puts your carpets at higher risk of stains. Accidents happen, unfortunately, and the most you can do is to be prepared and act quickly. This last point can’t really be emphasized enough – the sooner you get to the stain, the better. When you notice a pet has peed or vomited on your carpet, you might be tempted to blot with paper towels or even stand on those paper towels in order to absorb the stain quicker. Doing so will force the liquid deep into your carpet’s padding. With enough pressure, you will push the liquid into the subflooring, causing permanent damage.

To combat stains, first blot with a clean, white cloth. Once you’ve absorbed as much moisture as you can, apply some soapy water on the affected spot. Blot with a dry, clean towel before switching to a towel dipped in soapy water. Switch back and forth between the dry and damp towel until the spot is gone.

After you’ve cleaned the stain, invest in a good odor neutralizer for urine stains. There are many different neutralizers available at your local pet store. You can also create a solution made from vinegar and water, place it into a spray bottle and mist the affected area. Once you mist the area, let it sit for a few minutes before blotting it dry. This assists in odor and stain removal.

Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaner to Help with Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning can be intimidating. Your whole house needs to be cleaned from top to bottom to transition from cold and dark winter to lively spring. There are many parts of spring cleaning you’ll undoubtedly want to handle on your own, from cleaning windows to mopping the hardwood floors to cleaning the tiles of your shower. However, there are some cleaning tasks that are better off handled by the professionals. Sir Clean Pro servicing Barrie, Ontario is one of them.

Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning

When hiring a professional steam carpet cleaner to assist you with spring cleaning, there are several things you will want to consider. First, is this definitely something you want to pass off to a professional? If you don’t have any experience with steam cleaning carpets or using a steam carpet cleaning machine, we recommend passing this task off to a professional carpet cleaner. With everything you need to tackle for spring cleaning, it’s easiest for you to not have to learn to use a new machine and risk doing a mediocre job. If you have it in your budget, hiring a professional will take the pressure off you and ensure your carpets are as clean as they can get.

Do your research before deciding on a company. Read customer reviews of different companies on sites like Google Places. Ask friends and family members if they recommend one carpet cleaning service over another. Call each company personally and inquire about rates, services and fees. Many companies will publish the base price on their websites, while keeping hidden the various fees applicable for extra services.

If you’re hiring a professional carpet cleaner to help with spring cleaning, you’ll want to make a hefty investment. The carpet cleaner will be cleaning your carpets for the year, so he will have to do a heavy duty job. This may entail a larger-than-usual job for the cleaner, tackling a higher surface area of carpet than he would for a normal job. These are things to keep in mind when budgeting money for a professional cleaning service.

We recommend you hire a professional carpet cleaner at the tail end of your spring cleaning. Cleaning your home will rustle a lot of dust and dirt into the air. Due to gravity, that dust and dirt can fall to the ground, making its way onto the carpets. Then it may be tracked all over your home, around on your shoes, as you go from room to room cleaning. By hiring the professional carpet cleaners at the end of spring cleaning, your carpets will be at their dirtiest and most ready for steam cleaning.

It’s not a bad idea to hire a professional carpet cleaner to assist you in your spring cleaning endeavors. When hiring a professional cleaning service to come to your home, be proactive and smart about it by doing all the necessary research beforehand. Best of luck with spring cleaning!

If you live anywhere in Barrie, ON feel free to contact Sir Clean Pro the most trusted local carpet cleaning company in the area.

The Secrets to Cleaning Dirty Grout

Nobody likes to look at dirty grout, especially on a wall or floor of clean, pretty tiles. Sometimes, we go ahead and try and clean things, but we find what needs to be cleaned is much dirtier than we thought, and so we must resort to some heavy-duty actions. When a simple or commercial cleaning solution isn’t enough to get the rid of all that dirt and grime, there are some more intense routes you can take to get your grout looking clean and new.

grout cleaning

For badly stained grout that’s especially dark and hard to clean, we recommend using scouring powder. You can find some in the cleaning aisle at your local supermarket, or you can easily make some at home. To make scouring powder at home, combine equal parts salt, borax cleaner and baking soda. Scrub the grout with an electric toothbrush or thick-bristled nylon brush dipped in the scouring powder. Let the solution sit on the grout lines for five to ten minutes. After, rinse the surface clean using warm water. Apply more scouring solution and repeat as needed, until your grout looks fresh and clean.

If the stains persist, you can always try something a little more heavy duty. We recommend creating a cleaning solution made from 50% liquid chlorine bleach and 50% water. Use a sponge to lightly apply the cleaning solution to the grout lines, then wait ten minutes. Next, use the sponge to soak the grout even more with your bleach-water cleaning solution. Wait ten more minutes before rinsing the surface with warm water. Go over the grout lines with a clean washcloth to remove any residue or leftover dirt.

If none of these suggestions are working for you, there’s a third technique that is effective, but requires a bit of an investment. Consider renting or buying a steam mop to clean the dirt and grime from your grout. Steam clean mops act similarly to steam carpet cleaners, using steam and hot water to blast dirt and grime from tile floors. The pressure made by the machine lifts dirt out from within the grout, leaving your floor looking like it was professionally cleaned or newly installed.

When choosing a steam mop, you want to make sure it can reach 347º F (175º C) and apply significant pressure. Using the steam mop is easy; all you do is direct the steam through the nozzle, and guide the nozzle up and down your grout lines. Some steam mop models include a soft bristled brush to wipe away any leftover residue, but if not, use an old toothbrush to clear away any loose dirt left behind. Hoover and McCulloch make powerful steam mops that are relatively affordable.

There are many different ways to tackle the task of cleaning dirty grout. If any of these solutions don’t work for you, it’s recommended you hire a professional cleaning service to tackle this task for you. Even if you were able to clean your grout and tiles and make them look brand new, it’s never a bad idea to hire a professional to clean your home once or twice per year.

Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Tile Floors

Like most surfaces in your home, with a little bit of maintenance and proactivity, you can both extend the life of your tile floor and impress guests with your clean and shiny floors.

tile floor cleaning

Dirt is corrosive. Much like how dirt wears down your carpet fibers it can also leave scratches on the surface of your tile floor. It’s important that you keep your floor clean and regularly vacuum or sweep the tile floors. We recommend vacuuming your tile floor twice per week to keep it looking fresh and clean.

It’s also recommended you mop at least once a week. Mopping is a quick and easy way to make your floors shine, especially when you do it before having guests over. Before you mop, create a cleaning solution made from ¼ cup of Castille soap and two gallons of warm water. Remember to always sweep or vacuum immediately before mopping, so that you’re not dragging hair and crumbs and dirt particles all across your tile floor. When you mop, go over the floor a first time with the mop pretty wet so that you dampen the floor. Let that sit before you dip the mop again into the solution before wringing it out more thoroughly. Go back over the area to soak up the water and any embedded dirt.

For tile floors that are greasy, mop with a solution made from distilled white vinegar and warm water. Be aware to only use this solution on tile floor, not marble, as the vinegar can wear down the marble.

After mopping, mix together baking soda and water and rub that solution into the grout with an old toothbrush before rinsing it off. If the stains are really dark, apply baking soda directly, add a small amount of white vinegar and let it sit for an hour or two before you scrub the grout. This should help get rid of tougher, darker stains. If you don’t have baking soda or vinegar on hand, a solution of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide, applied with an old toothbrush, will also clean grout and make it look shiny and white.

If you have a scratched tile on your floor, assess the situation and determine if the tile needs to be replaced. If the scratch goes all the way to the edge of the tile, you’ll need to replace it. If not, you can buff it out by using a tile scratch repair kit. If you don’t have a tile repair kit, try rubbing a small amount of brass polish or toothpaste into the tile with a soft washcloth in circular motions. Rinse the tile off and repeat the process if necessary.

Getting into a regular routine of vacuuming/sweeping and mopping your tile floors is very important, as this way, you’re making sure the dirt, grime and spills don’t have an opportunity to set or get too comfortable.